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DEBZGEL, Invention for the Future

DEBZGEL is a potassium-based superabsorbent polymer invented by our scientists to achieve zero water wastage in farming and agriculture

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DEBZGEL is Non-toxic, Non - polluting, and Biodegradable

DEBZGEL, designed to be a farmer’s close friend, absorbs 500 times its original size in water and nutrients, releasing them slowly to the roots, thus achieving zero water wastage.

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Al Madhina Al Khadhaara in GCC

To be precise and more focused We manifest ourselves as Al madeena Al Khadhaara in GCC region

More crops with less water

Sustainable agriculture for a better future

DEBZGEL, An Invention for a Revolution

About 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered in water, but only 3% of that water is fresh and usable. Agriculture and farming account for about 90% of the freshwater we use, and yet 90% of that water is wasted. Our scientists have worked hard to find a solution to this problem, and as a result, Debzo introduces DEBZGEL, a potassium-based super absorbent hydrogel.

DEBZGEL is a non-toxic, non-polluting, and biodegradable hydrogel that can be mixed into soil. It absorbs water, nutrients, and other chemicals, and releases them to the roots of plants. DEBZGEL prevents water loss in soil by leaching and evaporation, and can help to fight problems such as low water retention capability, soil moisture leaching, sudden drought, salination, degradation, and damage to the soil biota. DEBZGEL can also help to improve seed sprouting and yield generation. Farmers facing water scarcity are sure to love DEBZGEL

Debzo is continuously researching and developing new and innovative products for the future. We are committed to doing everything we can to fight the scarcity of water and food.


Making deserts bloom

DEBZGEL is a potassium polyacrylate hydrogel polymer. It acts as a micro reservoir that absorbs up to 500 times its weight in water and other nutrients.  The absorbed contents are then released gradually to the roots, preventing soil compaction and water loss due to leaching and evaporation.

DEBZGEL also benefits root latching by closely binding loose soil and forming loams. It reduces irrigation frequency and human effort, and helps with germination, evapotranspiration, flowering, soil aeration, soil sterilization, soil conditioning, and restoring soil biota.

DEBZGEL is biodegradable and very useful in places that face adverse water scarcity, sudden drought, soil with low water retention capacity, and desert areas.


Let's have a quick look at the benefits of DEBZGEL



DEBZO Gel absorbs water and nutrients and releases them gradually to the roots. This reduces water evaporation, as the superabsorbent gel holds on to the water that the plant needs.



DEBZGEL helps to bind soil particles together, which creates a more porous and well-drained soil. This allows for better root penetration and aeration. It also provides a habitat for beneficial soil organisms, such as bacteria and fungi. These organisms help to break down organic matter.



DEBZGEL can help to keep plants hydrated by absorbing and retaining water, reducing evaporation, and improving soil structure.



Percolation is the downward movement of water through soil. DEBZGEL works by absorbing water and nutrients, which slows down the rate at which water can percolate through the soil.



DEBZGEL can be infused with nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. This provides a slow-release source of nutrients that is readily available to plants. DEBZGEL can also help to reduce fertilizer use indirectly by improving plant growth and health.



DEBZGEL can improve plant growth and development by providing water, nutrients, and better soil structure, leading to higher yields and better crops.

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